If you think you can land that job you have been vying for purely based on your stellar resume, think again. Yes, having an excellent resume will certainly help your case but it is the interview that actually determines whether you or not you get offered the job.
Here are 6 tips on how to ace your job interview from Skill Hire’s Employment Services Manager who has more than 12 years of experience recruiting for various roles in a range of industries. With these tips, you are sure to make a good impression on your interviewer and may actually walk away with that coveted job.
This is your chance to make a great first impression. Recruiters and hiring managers like candidates who have gone the extra mile to read about the company and the role they are recruiting for. Answers to common interview questions like “why did you apply for this position?” and “what do you know about us?” are a dead giveaway on whether or not you have done your research. Walking into an interview with no knowledge of the business is one of the fastest ways to shoot yourself in the foot. So, spend an extra 10 minutes on the day before the interview going through the company’s website, social media accounts and job advertisement to understand what the company does and how they position themselves in the market. The more you know, the more empowered and confident you will feel.
Applying for a job is a two-way process. In our first tip, we talked about how important it is to research about the company. Likewise, your protective employer will be researching to learn all about you. Now, you might be wondering if recruiters will actually take the time to look at your social media accounts. Yes, absolutely! Based on research conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 43% of recruiters and hiring managers screen job candidates through social media. So, it is important to clean up your online presence by removing any inappropriate / controversial pictures, comments and status updates.
Many candidates go into an interview and make vague or general statements about the things they can do. This is of no use to anyone. Instead, set yourself apart by backing up your statements with specific examples. We are talking facts, numbers and accomplishments.
The purpose of being called in for an interview is so that your recruiter or hiring manager can put a face to your job application and get to know you beyond your one page resume. There is no point in pretending to be someone you are not because recruiters can tell when you are being fake or trying too hard to please. No matter how badly you want the job, if you aren’t a good match, you aren’t a good match. So, don’t try to be what you think they are looking for.
We can guarantee that your job interview will end with the recruiter asking if you have any questions. Not having any questions will be perceived as lack of interest on your part but that doesn’t mean you should ask a question just for the sake of asking a question either. Instead, ask smart questions that demonstrate that you are truly interested in the role and working for the company. Similarly, if you have any doubts you would like to clarify about the role or the company, this is a good time to ask.
This should be a no brainer yet many candidates ask for feedback on their interview at the end of the interview or on the same day. Don’t do this. First of all, you need to give your interviewer the chance to critically evaluate the interview. By putting them on the spot, you are only undoing all your hard work. Instead, send an email later on in the interview day or the day after thanking them for their time.
The goal of any interview is to convince your interviewer that you are the best candidate for the job. Having an impressive resume is only part of the job application process. Job interviewing is a separate skill altogether. These 6 interview tips from our Employment Services Manager will help you make a positive impression and come across as a strong contender for the role. Now that you know what to do at an interview, read this blog post to learn what not to do.