Two months into the role as CEO of Skill Hire and Nara, Ben Dahlstrom is laser focused on his goal of making Skill Hire and Nara the leading providers of employment services and training in Western Australia.

With a diverse background in leadership, workforce development, journalism, politics and marketing, Ben brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to his new role.

Together, Group Training Organisation Skill Hire and Registered Training Organisation Nara provide comprehensive employment services and training. They specialise in apprenticeships, recruitment, and industry-specific training to address the demand for skilled workers in the state.

Ben acknowledges Skill Hire is operating in a very competitive market, but he believes his business has what it takes to be the provider of choice for Western Australians. He envisions offering distinctive approaches to delivery and delivering compelling, high-quality services to both hosts and clients. Placing great emphasis on the significance of differentiation and innovation along with process improvement and collaboration as key to achieving these goals.

Another point of difference that puts Skill Hire and Nara ahead of the game is that they’re part of the IntoWork Group. He believes that this group of companies that deliver integrated and complementary solutions across Australia and New Zealand provides a unique advantage, positioning both organisations for growth and success, “I am ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and I am confident that together, we will achieve remarkable success in the realm of job placement and skill development.”

Starting his career as a business journalist in the UK, whilst also freelancing for well-known publications such as the Times, and the Daily Express, Ben soon discovered his passion for business and industry, leading him to transition into marketing and pursue two master’s degrees in International Relations and a Master of Business Administration.

Ben’s professional journey also took him into the realm of politics, where he served as Media and Policy Advisor to Ken Wyatt AM MP, Australia’s first Indigenous member of the House of Representatives.

This experience in politics and engagement with influential figures in Canberra paved the way for his solid foundation in the field. Driven by a desire to lead, he achieved his next goal of becoming a CEO.

After three successful years as CEO of Western Australia’s MPA Skills, Ben was ready to take on a new opportunity with Skill Hire and Nara, “Joining the IntoWork Group is an exhilarating opportunity for me. I am thrilled to be part of a dynamic organisation that is dedicated to empowering individuals through employment,” he said.

Skill Hire and Nara are excited to have Ben Dahlstrom as their new CEO and look forward to the positive impact he will bring to the organisations.


Skill Hire really helped me to see that I can accomplish something if I set my mind to it and I completed my course 2 months prior to the completion date. Cheers guys!


Skill Hire are helpful and professional. Nicola was attentive to all my needs. Their timesheets systems were a breeze and always update us with messages. Thanks Skill Hire


I just wanted to thank Skill Hire's EST Trainers. Nathan is the absolute best trainer I’ve ever had privilege to meet by a WIDE margin and I appreciate everything done for all of us. I’m ecstatic about the internship opportunity.


Not only did Skill Hire respond quickly to our urgent need, your team took the time to understand our organization and our needs. The people sent to help out were outstanding and their ability to rapidly adapt to our workplace eased our burden during what was a very challenging few months.


My son has thoroughly enjoyed the Construction Pathways course. He spent the last 18 months being home schooled and not socializing with anyone so to see him eager to get up and leave the house every day still blows my mind. Simon, thank you for your understanding and taking extra care with my son.


I wanted to say a big thank you to Skill Hire and the team, especially Wayne for such an amazing experience for our students. All of our students were thoroughly engaged with the course and learned many valuable skills.